Welcome to the Designer Distro Shop! Get Verified to Unlock Exclusive Content & Offers
Thank you for visiting Designer Distro Shop! To access our exclusive content, special discounts, and limited-time offers, you need to complete a quick verification process,Get Verified with Designerdistrola.
How to Get Verified:
- Telegram Verification:
- Once your account has been created, you can use Telegram to check your status. If you message us using Telegram, our staff will help you with the verification procedure so you can get Verified With Designerdistrola.
- Verification on Signal:
- As an alternative, you can use Signal to confirm your account. Simply send us a message using you signal registered and we’ll do the rest!
FaceTime Verification
Once you message us, we’ll FaceTime you to verify and ensure you’re at the right place. This helps us provide a secure and seamless experience. Send us a message to get started!